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Канадски блогъри хвалят Пловдив

Само за няколко дни туристите са останали очаровани от града под тепетата

Пловдив е прекрасен и очарователен град, който привлича все повече погледите към себе си. Освен посетителите от Европа, все повече гости от Америка и Канада пристигат у нас, за да разгледат пълния с история пъстър град. 

Канадците Ник и Дарис, за които наскоро ви разказахме, са описали преживяването си у нас с огромна любов. Двамата са останали очаровани от Стария град, централната градска част и разбира се – Капана. Посетили са едни от култовите места като „Петното на Роршах“, „Котка и Мишка“ и по-голямата част от музеите. Особено добро впечатление са им направили и местата, в които се предлага хубаво вино, но не са пропуснали и традиционната ни кухня.

И без да увъртаме, ви предлагаме да прочетете пълната им статия за бъдещата столица на културата, която са публикували в собствения си блог, без редакторски намеси.

10 Things To Do In Plovdiv, Bulgaria

It only takes a few minutes inside the historical old town, or a quick stroll along the 1.7km long pedestrian street to realize that Plovdiv is a special place all its own.
Roman ruins, a fun bar scene, great shopping and super aylak (relaxed) people make this enchanting town a must see for any traveller visiting Bulgaria. We spent 5 days in Plovdiv and wish we had 5 weeks!
Here are 10 things to do in Plovdiv:

1. Walk Around The Old Town

Plovdiv is the 6th oldest living city in the world and it is the second-largest city in Bulgaria after Sofia. The town was originally a Neolithic Settlement of the Thracians back in 4,000 B.C and it has been occupied ever since, making it the oldest continuously inhabited town in all of Europe.
This incredibly rich history has given Plovdiv one of the most charming old towns in Eastern Europe. Enormous stones cobble the streets, making for stunning photos, bumpy car rides and sore ankles.
Parts of the ancient wall can still be found in certain areas of the town and there is a spectacular Roman amphitheatre that commands a cliff overlooking the Kapana neighbourhood and the more modern part of the city.
Some places of interest aside from the ones I listed above include the Ethnographic Museum, the Eastern Gate to the city, and the Asymmetrical House (you’ll see all of these if you join number 2 on this list).

2. Join the FREE Walking Tour

An excellent way to take in most of Plovdiv’s best sites and learn about the unique history of the town is to join the FREE walking tour. You can meet the guide at 2:00pm in front of the Municipality Building on the Pedestrian Street.
You really can’t ask for a better introduction to Plovdiv and the guides tend to be great characters themselves (we went out for beer with ours after the tour).
We recommend joining the tour on your first day in Plovdiv, so that you can get orientated in the city and in its place in history.
The walking tour will take you to many of the most important historical sites, so I won’t list those ones in this article.
For more information about the walking tour, check out their website.

3. Take a Stroll Along The Pedestrian Street

The main pedestrian street (Knyaz Aleksander I or Aleksander Batenberg Street) runs for 1.7 km from north to south right through the center of town (not technically the “old town” but close to it). You can stroll back and forth along this street for hours.
There are many shops selling everything from boots to bottles of wine and there are also a few great cafes with tables spilling out onto the street.
Most of the buildings along Knyaz Aleksander were built in the late 19th and early 20th century and while many of the best examples of architecture have been converted into shopping malls, they’re still beautiful from the outside.
Quick Eats on the Ped Street:
Check out Sladoledena Kashta Afreddo on the pedestrian street for some great cafe style snacks & desserts. You can’t miss it because it’s the busiest place around.
Also stop in at the cafe attached to Dzhumaya (Friday) Mosque for a Turkish tea and snacks.

4. Go On a Wine Tour

We headed out with Bulgaria Wine Tours and we absolutely loved it. We went to two wineries on a customized tour and we even got to taste some Bulgarian wine straight from the oak barrel.
The vineyards around Plovdiv are some of the oldest and most beautiful in the world and I would say that missing out on a wine tour here would be missing a big part of the culture in this part of Bulgaria.
The Thracians were the first people to colonize these lands and they were crazy about their wines, with many of their rituals and traditions directly linked to the holy grape.
Make sure you try the local Ruben and Mavrut wines, as well as a mixture of the two.

5. Listen To Live Music…

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